| +47 52 71 90 30

At Eide Bygg & Anlegg AS, our values are based on a forward-looking perspective.

Our values are the core of our management system and motivate us to work hard and perform at our best.

Our values reflect our commitment to our work. We place strict demands on ourselves, our suppliers and our partners. We believe that we owe it to our customers to be a quality supplier. By this we mean:

  • We supplying products with the right quality at the agreed time
  • We meet our customers’ necessary response time in all aspects
  • We design and engineer effective modular buildings that benefit the end user.
  • We have a dynamic quality system that supports our philosophy.

For Eide Bygg & Anlegg AS, protecting the environment and safeguarding the health and safety of our employees are crucial aspects of all our processes.

We promote awareness of and build competence in preventive safety work through systematic safety training, both internally and with our subcontractors.

Eide Bygg & Anlegg AS, is ISO 9001:2015 certified, holds “Central Approval” from the Norwegian Building Authority (DiBK) and is certified by Achilles JQS and StartBANK.

ISO 9001: 2015 Certificate