| +47 52 71 90 30
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Eide Bygg & Anlegg AS supplies portable cabins for nearly any purpose.

We have a wide range of modern modular buildings available for fast delivery to our rental customers.

We offer the following standard portable cabins with fixed steel lifting lugs:

Type B: 7.4 x 2.5 x 3.1 metres, with an internal ceiling height of 2.4 metres.

We can also offer the following standard modules – TEK10/ TEK17 temporary building:

Type A: 8.4 x 2.9 x 3.4 metres, with an internal ceiling height of 2.7 metres.

Accommodation units/ Canteens:

Type C: 8.4 x 2.9 x 3.1 metres, with an internal ceiling height of 2.4 and 2.7 metres.

Our modules have standard external couplings for easy and quick assembly on the construction site.

You can find a schematic overview of our standard modules/ portable cabins here

Contact us today for a competitive offer!

Contact Nils Tore Staalesen if you have any questions or send us an enquiry if you are interested in purchasing or renting modular buildings/ portable cabins.